Septic Inspections

Our septic inspection is a thorough front to back inspection of your septic system performed by a nationally certified septic inspector. Our inspector went to school to learn everything he can about all kinds of septic systems to better educate you! Our inspection starts with a scoping of the lateral line from the house to the tank, then our inspector will dig the tank lids to do an inspection of the tank itself, lids, baffles and solids level to see what the overall health of the system is. After inspecting the tank he will scope the lateral line from the tank to the leaching system whether that be a d-box and leach field, a dry well, or if we find that it has daylights! We will also flood test the leaching system to ensure optimal absorption.

Frequently Asked Questions

A septic system is a private wastewater treatment site for homes that are not able to be connected to a public sewer. Waste exits the house and is collected in a tank, the remaining water, called effluent, is then distributed out of the tank into a leaching system which allows it to enter the ground and absorb.

A septic is an all in one system fully contained on your property. A sewer is one line exiting the home to a main line at the road that then flows to a municipal wastewater facility.

When we inspect your septic we want to see the water levels and the solids levels in the tank, this helps us determine both the health of the system and the condition of the tank. If a tank is fully pumped before our arrival we have no way of knowing if the tank is holding water or may have a crack or leak since it is empty. We also like to see the film on top to determine the health of the system. A thin film (called bio-film) is indicative of a very healthy bacteria colony in the tank!

Our inspectors are certified by the National Association of Wastewater Treatment

If we find an issue we can help with a solution. Matt the owner of Ace also owns a septic repair company (MG Septic) and can provide timely free quotes to keep your buying process moving along!